Pubblichiamo oggi un articolo in inglese scritto dal collettivo Wu Ming. L'articolo era inizialmente destinato ad una rivista britannica, ma date le troppe modifiche in fase di editing non è stato poi pubblicato ed è apparso sul sito dei Wu Ming che hanno chiesto di diffonderlo in tutte le maniere. Com resistenza internazionale pensiamo sia indispensabile divulgare analisi sulla attuale situazione politica italiana anche all'estero. Soprattutto quando ben centrati come il seguente articolo.
Several Left-wing and progressive commentators tend
to look with a certain sympathy to the Five Star Movement. They heard
that even
Dario Fo, a famously leftist Nobel Prize Winner,
endorsed Grillo during the campaign. They think that Grillo’s fiery, pied-piperesque speeches are just a bit of theatre – he used to be a comedian after all.
Indeed, news from Italy are baffling as usual, but in the end, many have
the impression that the 5SM is a populist movement oscillating between
the progressive and radical quarters of the political spectrum. A
movement having features in common with other anti-austerity movements
and mobilisations across southern Europe (Portugal, Greece, Spain,
People who make that assumption should – literally – know better.
Trouble is, many Italians should know better too.
Simone Di Stefano: «Are you an antifascist?»
Beppe Grillo: «This question doesn’t concern me. 5SM is an ecumenical movement.»
(Conversation between Grillo and one of the top leaders of neofascist party CasaPound, 11 January 2013 )
Some of you may have Italian friends who used to place themselves to the
Left and recently chose to vote for the 5SM, or even become 5SM
activists. We bet they didn’t tell you about the more right-wing aspects
of the movement, because you’d certainly ask them: «I beg your pardon?
You’re doing political work side by side with fascists? You’ve joined a
movement that rejects the very notion of antifascism? A movement that
wants to abolish trade unions?! You voted for a guy who praises Ron Paul
and US-style ‘libertarianism’? Mate, what’s wrong with you?», and
they’d have to scramble for self-justifications.
«Before it degenerated, fascism had a sense of national community (which
it took directly from socialism), the highest respect for the state and
a will to protect the [institution of] family.»
1. How rancour towards «The Caste» helped prevent social conflict
Many factors can explain Grillo’s success. The Zero years were a decade
of social devastation, in which social movements encountered thundering
defeats, while Late Berlusconism was fostering cultural and moral
bankruptcy with the complicity of the long-discredited «centre-left».
Then, at the beginning of the new decade, the Euro crisis hit us between the eyes.
During the summer of 2011, the capitalist class and the European Central
Bank decided that Berlusconi’s government was completely dysfunctional
and unfit to enforce the «necessary» austerity measures. Despite a vast
majority in both branches of Parliament, with a sort of legal coup the
«centre-right» government was replaced with a «technical» government led
Mario Monti, a neoliberal economist long associated with Goldman Sachs and the Trilateral Commission.
Monti’s government was supported, albeit grudgingly,
by both the centre-right and the centre-left. To tell the truth, the
centre-left gave the impression of supporting Monti less
grudgingly than the centre-right. In the end, the Democratic Party
appeared more responsible than Berlusconi for the aggressive austerity
measures which worsened the condition of the working class and the lower
middle class in 2012. Something similar happened in Greece, where
Papandreou’s Socialist Party was more strictly associated with cuts than
the right-wing party New Democracy was.
The difference is that Greece witnessed mass demonstrations and general
strikes against austerity, the IMF, the European Central Bank and so on,
whereas in Italy social discontent was channelled toward a different
target: the so-called «Caste».
«The Caste vs. the Honest People» is the most powerful conceptual frame in today’s Italy.
The Caste: How Italian politicians became untouchable is the title of a best-selling book written by two journalists, Gian Antonio Stella and Sergio Rizzo.
It was published in 2007 and covered the ways in which national and
local politicians used taxpayers’ money to become parasitic oligarchs.
The book’s title provided the perfect metaphor to frame the debate on
politics into a new version of a classic right-wing dichotomy: «ordinary
people» are «clean», whereas «politicians» are «dirty». Indeed, they
are not only dirty, they’re the biggest problem in the country. Let’s
get rid of politicians, and everything will be ok!
The fact that politicians are in office precisely because the good
ordinary people repeatedly voted for them is rarely mentioned.
«The Caste vs. the Honest People» proved to be the perfect diversionary
narrative. Anger and frustration were channelled toward members of
parliament, their salaries, public funding to political parties etc.,
all of which are real but lesser problems of the system. Meanwhile,
austerity measures and eurocratic neoliberal policies were ravaging
society, encountering no opposition. Unlike in Greece, Spain and
Portugual, there was no mass movement fighting back.
It goes without saying that the real «caste» – the caste of
millionaires, top CEOs, financial speculators and the likes – didn’t pay
any price for the situation they had created. We even heard such
tycoons as Flavio Briatore making anti-Caste statements, slagging off politicians and so on.
To name but one concrete consequence of the «Caste
vs. the People» frame, this depoliticising narrative made the idea of a
«technical» government acceptable, indeed, even desirable. Public
opinion was brought to believe that a government with no politicians
would be better than any traditional government. That’s why Mario Monti
took advantage of an extended «honeymoon period» and was able to pass
draconian acts that impoverished the majority of the population.
The «Caste vs. People» frame was activated in the
political debate slightly before the 5SM came into existence, and paved
the highway for it.
What Grillo and Casaleggio did on their own was extending the concept of «Caste» to
include almost all civil servants,
whom the 5SM rhetoric turns into mere parasites. In one of his most
infamous blog posts, Grillo demanded that «tens of thousand of public
employees [be] laid off». As
Rossana Dettori – a leader of CGIL trade union –
correctly pointed out,
behind the phrases that Grillo uses in an abstract way (eg «public
employees») there are hospitals and emergency rooms, firefighters,
schools and kindergartens, social services for the elderly and the
gravely ill, «as well as democratic institutions which ensure that such
services keep working».
Truth is, Italy’s public sector has the highest rate of union enrollment and activity.
78.79% of public employees
take part to the election of their workplace union representatives
(RSU). Therefore, the real targets of Grillo’s invective against public
employees are trade unions. He called for the utter
«elimination» of trade unions more than once.
2. Mock «anti-austerity», mock radicalism
Not that Grillo doesn’t mention capitalism, the
faults of bankers etc. He does it. However, there’s no peculiarity in
that part of his discourse, he simply revives all the cliches of
European right-wing populisms. The issue is framed in a simplistic
neo-nationalist way: «real» capitalism (ie productive capitalism) is
described as good because it is rooted in the territory, whereas
financial economy is degenerate because it’s in the hands of evil
transnational cliques and lobbie groups. Since the Euro is the main
cause of the present crisis, if Italy leaves the Eurozone and gets rid of politicians and kicks
«tens of thousands» of (unionised) employees out of the public sector,
then we’ll have the conditions for entering a new golden age.
We all know that there’s often an antisemitic streak
underlying this kind of talk about «nationless» enemies. Is it a
coincidence that
antisemitic tirades and insults are frequent in the below-the-line section of Grillo’s blog? In November 2012 a guest-blogger on
attacked Gad Lerner, a Jewish journalist who dared criticise Grillo, by calling him «Gad Vermer».
Verme is italian for «worm», a classic insult in the antisemitic repertoire.
The most important thing to say about Grillo’s «anti-austerity» and anti-financial stance is that it’s just a façade. It’s a joke. At the end of the day Grillo is a multi-millionaire, for Christ’s sake!
Whenever a conservative populist movement is voted in office or takes
over, their «anticapitalist», anti-finance rhetoric evaporates very soon
and they end up administering the present state of things, financial
capitalism included.
Maybe that’s why
Jim O’Neill, the retiring chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management,
recently wrote:
«I find the [Italian Election] outcome quite exciting
because it seems to me for a country whose GDP has basically not
changed since EMU started in 1999, something big needs to change. Maybe
this election outcome and the peculiar mass appeal of the Five Star
movement could signal the start of something new?»
Did we say «Goldman Sachs»? A few days ago, Grillo
stated that the 5SM parliamentary groups were willing to vote for a new
«technical» government including no politicians, because they would
never vote confidence in any political government. They were even
willing to support a «Monti Bis», a second Monti government, albeit with
a limited mandate and strictly controlled by the new parliament. After
months spent calling the premier «Rigor Montis», Grillo implicitly said
that the former international advisor for Goldman Sachs is the «lesser
evil» compared to political parties.
[N.B. The last political leader to conquer 100% of Italian parliament
and overlap his movement with the state ended up hanging upside down in
a Milan square. It happened twenty-six years too late, but nowadays
things happen faster, you know, there's the Internet and so on. Jokes
apart, Grillo should study the history of his country before making such
provocative statements, they aren't known to bring good luck to
In case you still cling to your prior impression that
Grillo’s movement is anti-austerity and radical, or at least a force
for concrete change, why not take a look at what 5SM has been doing in
the towns and cities they administer? For example, let’s look at what
Federico Pizzarotti did in Parma.
The key point of Pizzarotti’s campaign was opposition to the
construction of a big incinerator whose impact on the environment and
the health of citizens was considered catastrophic. In June 2012
Grillo himself stated:
«They will never build that incinerator, if they want to build it they
will have to step on the mayor’s dead body!». When journalist
Marco Travaglio asked Grillo about the penalties the city would have to pay to contractors and subcontractors,
he gave this answer: «Let’s not be silly: If paying the penalties is obligatory, we’ll find a way to pay them.» Well,
the incinerator was turned on on 3 March 2013. The city couldn’t pay the penalties. Nobody had to step on Pizzarotti’s corpse.
During his campaign, Pizzarotti also promised that he
wouldn’t raise the house tax and the boarding charge for public
kindergartens. After he was elected, he raised both and explained: «We
couldn’t do anything else». Like any other politician.
Now he’s planning to
cut the salaries of city employees.
3. Right-wing influences on the Five Star Movement
Grillo’s rhetoric is chock-full of elements that can be traced back to
different right-wing traditions, which he and Casaleggio meddle into a
toxic jumble.
The most recognizable tradition is that of European conservative populism. In France this approach is known as poujadisme, after its main 20th century promoter Pierre Poujade. In Italy, we usually call it qualunquismo [which we could translate as 'anyoneism'], after a mass petty bourgeiois movement founded by playwright Guglielmo Giannini in 1946.
Another tradition is US «libertarianism» / «anarcho-capitalism»: Ayn Rand, Ron Paul,
that kind of stuff. This influence is detectable in several parts of
the 5SM programme. One of the movement’s most known representatives, Vittorio Bertola, explicitly stated «I like Ron Paul».
Of course, in Grillo’s rants we can also find the usual set of
Thatcherite tropes and cliches which have become commonplace all over
the West.
All these traditions have some basic features in common, one of which is
hatred for trade unions and, generally, for the workers’ collective
organisation and conquests, like national contracts etc. This hostility
permeates all of Grillo’s speeches.
The reason why it is such an ungrateful task to
expose the right-wing elements of Grillo’s rhetoric, is that
confusionism is an intentional strategy. Grillo repeatedly screams that
«there are no Left and Right anymore!». Meanwhile, he and Casaleggio
skillfully intersperse the right-wing elements with left-wing ones,
reproposing buzzwords, concepts and claims they hijacked from the
previous social movements. These concepts are reprocessed, they receive a
treatment that strips all articulations and leaves them void of all
content. The most striking example is «direct democracy».
4. Direct democracy, Führerprinzip and character assassination
Despite all the talk about direct democracy or online
liquid feedback, the 5SM is a top-down organisation with no
intermediate bodies between Grillo and Casaleggio and the populace of
fans/activists. Every major decision is taken by those two wealthy
sixty-somethings, and «direct democracy» only amounts to calling on the
base to approve it in a tele-plebiscitarian way.
In the 2011-2012 period, the 5SM of Emilia-Romagna
(the region whose capital is Bologna, the city in which we live) was
stormed by a wave of expulsions. «Dissidents» like
Giovanni Favia,
Valentino Tavolazzi,
Federica Salsi
and many others dared question the absence of internal democracy. As a
consequence, they were kicked out and exposed to angry online mobs.
Expulsions were decided by Grillo and Casaleggio and communicated to the
world by short posts on
Local activists expressed solidarity with the expelled and organised
meetings in which the majority voted in favour of readmission, but their
vote was completely overruled by the two bosses.
The final step was the use of the Internet to slander the expelled in all possible ways. «Loyal» grillini
devoted their time and efforts to disrupting all online conversations
in which anyone defended the «traitors» and criticised Grillo and
Casaleggio for their clearly autocratic behaviour.
5SM local leaders seem to have no hesitation in using «lynching» as a positive concept.
On 2 March 2013 Andrea Defranceschi, 5SM representative at the Emilia-Romagna council, stated: «If some of us betray the movement, the Internet will lynch them.»
By «lynching», of course, Defranceschi means the character assassination
of dissidents. If anyone dares disagree with Grillo and Casaleggio,
their reputation must be destroyed, and this destruction shall continue
long after the expulsion. These people cannot be simply left alone,
their blog or Facebook page must be bombarded with derogatory comments
every day. In a matter of few months, local councillor Giovanni Favia
shifted from being revered as the very incarnation of 5SM values to
being described as the vilest traitor. And if the dissident is a woman,
sexist insults will rain on her: «whore», «bitch» and the rest of the
That’s what happened to Federica Salsi.
This is a clear manifestation of cult mentality and, in fact, the 5SM is
often described as a cult. It is often compared to Scientology.
Scientology rejected the comparison.
You may ask: how can Grillo and Casaleggio get away with all that?
Well, it’s all written in the movement’s
The «Non-Statute» is a very short text which, for years, has been the
only written document regulating the movement’s internal life. It mainly
says that the 5SM’s name and logo are
the sole property of Beppe Grillo and that the movement’s «headquarters» are located on Grillo’s weblog,
If you already think that the 5SM notion of «online
direct democracy» is bizarre to say the least, well, wait, you haven’t
seen anything yet! We suggest you to watch a sort of video-manifesto
which Casaleggio authored and produced in 2007. It’s entitled Gaia: The Future of Politics. «Creepy» is the right adjective for the anarcho-capitalist future Casaleggio enthusiastically envisions.
How do pro-Grillo leftists or former leftists react when someone points out these serious problems?
5. Fascists in Grillo’s (and Berlusconi’s) Fatherland
Before answering that question, it is necessary to make clear that the vast majority of both 5SM activists and sympathisers do not
come from the radical Left. Most of them are quite young and have no
previous political experience (or even position); others come from the
right and even the radical right.
In several areas of the country, the backbone of
consent for the 5SM is formed by people who previously supported
Berlusconi, the xenophobic
Northern League,
and in some cases utterly neofascist parties such as New Force and
Tricolour Flame. In 2012, when the 5SM won the election in Parma and
managed to elect Federico Pizzarotti as mayor of the city, the biggest
chunk of votes (25.9%) came from people who had previously chosen the
Northern League.
After all, Grillo’s and the 5SM position on immigration and minorities
is very close to that of the NL. We quote from one of his blog posts ,
its title was
«The Desacred Borders» and was published on in october 2007:
«A country cannot PASS THE BUCK TO ITS CITIZENS in
dealing with the problems caused by tens of thousands of Roma gypsies
coming to Italy from Romania. Prodi’s objection is always the same:
Romania is in Europe. But what does ‘Europe’ means? SAVAGE MIGRATIONS of
jobless persons from one country to another? Without knowing the
language, with nowhere to put them up? Every day I receive hundreds of
letters on Roma gypsies, it’s a volcano, A TIME BOMB, and it must be
defused… What is a government that doesn’t guarantee the safety of its
citizens good for?… The borders of the fatherland used to be sacred,
politicians have desacred them.»
Last but not least, Casaleggio himself is a former sympathiser of the Northern League.
According to attorney Vincenzo Forte -
an ex-leader of the neofascist Italian Social Movement and now a
supporter of Grillo – three of the new 5SM MPs and one 5SM senator (all
four elected in Lombardy) have a radical neofascist background. Forte
didn’t reveal their names but added:
«These are not isolated cases, it’s a much more vast,
deep-rooted phenonemon, a carefully organised strategy to penetrate
Grillo’s movement. This strategy is being carried out with maximum
discretion by local neofascist groups. »
The 5SM has no ethical or theoretical defence against
this, because Grillo and Casaleggio have staunchly refused to adopt
antifascism as a differentiating value. Grillo wants the movement to be
«ecumenical» and antifascism «doesn’t concern him».
It is far from incomprehensible that many fascists,
berluscones and
are now looking to Grillo. Not only they like many of the things he
says, but he also embodies their idealtype of the Strong Man mesmering
enthusiastic crowds. To these people, Berlusconi and Bossi were no
longer strong/fascinating enough, for they became too compromised with
«old politics« and «the Caste». That’s why these angry petty bourgeois
are making an emotional investment on someone they see as a new leader.
Moreover, there are deep similarities between Berlusconi and Grillo.
They are both living testimonies of how the 1980s entertainment and
television industry reshaped Italy’s national life. Journalist
Giuliano Santoro wrote a very interesting book about this, it is entitled
Un Grillo qualunque: Il populismo digitale nella crisi dei partiti italiani [A Grillo whatsoever: Digital populism in the crisis of Italian parties].
As a matter of fact, one cannot fully understand Grillo if s/he didn’t understand Berlusconi. Three years ago, in
a piece for the London Review of Books,
we easily predicted that after the fall of Berlusconi there would be a
Berlusconism-without-Berlusconi. Nowadays things are even worse, because
Berlusconi «fell» but is still around and 29.1% of voters have chosen
him for the umpteenth time. As a result, we have both old, classic
with-Berlusconi, and a new kind of berlusconism
without him. Giuliano Santoro wrote that «Grillo is the continuation of
Berlusconi by other means.»
6. TINA, TITA and the 5SM’ «neitherism»
Now let’s focus on those leftists and ex-leftists who
are – critically or uncritically – giving their trust to 5SM. We want
to focus on them for two reasons:
First, it is important to understand what consequences the Left’s
absence or bankruptcy can have during a crisis like the current one;
Secondly, we have noticed that the representation of Grillo’s movement
among radicals and progressives abroad is more or less a synthesis of
the two typical discourses uttered by Italian pro-Grillo radicals – only
with much less information available.
We call these discourses «5SM TINA» and «5SM TITA».
These days, each time we talk with veterans of
yesterday’s struggles who voted for the 5SM, and try to reason with
them, the most likely words we manage to extract from their mouths is:
«Yes, I do know it’s an ambiguous movement. I’m not at ease with
everything they say and do. Yeees, yes, their agenda is partly
neoliberal. Their statements on migrants are unacceptable. I don’t like
the blend of populism and corporate jargon either. I’m suspicious of the
personality cult surrounding Grillo, and the role played by Casaleggio
isn’t clear. I agree with you, there’s more than a little bit of
fanaticism within the movement. I did see pro-5SM trolls in action on
the Internet. I agree with you, those mass expulsions make me think of
1937 stalinist purges. Do you think I’m blind? Of course I see that
fascists are also joining… And yet some of the 5SM claims and
proposals are exactly the same that we’ve been making for years! Their
program includes the «citizens’ income», the defence of commons,
ecology… I know many decent people who’ve become 5SM activists. Maybe we
can tactically use the 5SM in order to smash the old political system,
they’re doing that, aren’t they? Nobody managed to do that before. Why
not try and see what happens after the shoulder push? There Is No
Alternative anyway. The left is dead.»
This is what we call the Five-Starred Leftist «There
Is No Alternative» Discourse. It is based on a classical Yes/But device:
people say they agree on all the critical issues, which are many, then
they say something like «but» or «and yet», and even if the adversative
is sustained only by wishful thinking, it wipes out everything they just
In short: they understand that the 5SM is a
confusionist movement with a dominant right-wing approach to many key
issues, but the movement’s success and the fact that some proposals have
Left-wing origins make them hope this is a good opportunity to «do
To us, «doing something» is not necessarily a good line of conduct. It
depends on what you do. Sometimes it’s better not to do anything than
doing something stupid. Mistaking a right-wing movement for a
left-leaning one is definitely stupid.
Other former leftists are buying whatever story
Grillo and the 5SM tell them. They utter another discourse, the
Five-Starred Ex-Leftist «This Is The Alternative» Discourse:
«What you’re saying is false. You believed the vicious lies that the
Caste spreads around. There are certainly some racists, because the
movement is open to everyone, but they’re minorities. The majority are
people like you and me who want to fight the system. We’ll keep racists
in check. Those who were kicked out of the movement were opportunists
and infiltrators sent by the old parties. They violated the Non-Statute.
Grillo is not a leader, he’s nothing other than a megaphone. The fact
that he legally owns the movement’s name and logo is only a guarantee
that local sections will respect the Non-Statute. I trust him. When the
movement is strong enough, Grillo will step aside. Casaleggio only
suggests communication strategies, there’s nothing dark or ambiguous
about that. This Is The Alternative, at last! I’ve been waiting for
something like this for years, don’t ruin everything with your usual
Notice the classic faith in a «two-stage» process: in the current
situation Grillo has necessarily to play a major role; later on, he will
surely step aside.
In the history of communist movements, all personality cults were invariably described as merely «transitional».
In 1958 Mao Zedong famously argued that there is
nothing wrong in personality cult in and of itself. It depends whether
that personality represents revolutionary truth or not.
Eighty-seven year old Dario Fo, to mention but one name, was very close to maoism during the 1970s.
This mindset facilitated the conversion of former communists to
Grillismo. In this way, we think they ended up on the opposite side of
the political spectrum.
When did such a thing happen last time?
It happened in the early Twenties.

The 5SM’s catch-all programme cannot but remind us of early fascism’s
Programme of San Sepolcro (1919). In those days, fascism was still a
«neitherist» movement («neither left nor right») launching
«revolutionary» slogans in every direction.
In 2011, when we started citing that historical precedent, many people sneered at us. Then, on 5 March 2013,
Roberta Lombardi – fresh president of the 5SM group at the Chamber of Deputies –
made an explicitly positive reference
to the Programme of San Sepolcro in order to explain the unacceptable
statement we used as one of the epigraphs of this article.
Are we arguing that, when all is said and done, the 5SM is a fascist movement?
The answer is: no.
For sure there are fascists in there, and certainly the right-wing
elements of the programme are more relevant than the left-wing ones.
However, the 5SM is indebted with different right-wing traditions, a
part of its constituency is still on the left, and labelling the
movement as merely fascist would be too simplistic.
What we’re trying to say is that, especially in Italy, confusionist
«neitherism» always thrives on economic and political crisis, and a part
of the Left is tempted to listen to that siren song. Those who don’t
resist the temptation invariably end up on the Right, be they aware of
it or not.
7. Now what?
Why aren’t foreign correspondents living in Italy
saying these things? They write about Grillo every day, but they rarely
provide insights on the movement’s inner contradictions. Maybe these
contradictions are less visibile if one doesn’t have a deep knowledge of
our national history? And yet racist, homophobic or aynrandesque
statements should be recognizable in all contexts. We don’t have a clear
answer for such questions.
What’s going to happen now?
As far as «change» (that empty word) is concerned, probably much less
than everyone expects. As we tried to demonstrate above, the 5SM is far
from being a radical force and its programme is full of «solutions» that
are actually part of the problem. Even on the very day of the election,
while many commentators were jumping on Grillo’s bandwagon, we wrote
that, despite its incendiary slogans, the 5SM acts as a diversionary
movement and prevents social conflict from erupting. Grillo says that
himself, although of course he calls conflict «violence»: «If violence
doesn’t start here, it’s because of the movement».
As often happens with populist movements, Grillo’s movement will
apparently destabilise national politics, but it will only ripple the
surface, and in doing so it will stabilise the system. That’s why
pro-Grillo excitement can be found in such an unlikely place as Goldman
We hope that progressives and radicals who joined the
5SM, or sympathise with 5SM, or at least voted for it, understand that
the tiresome «neither left nor right» stance can no longer hide all the
contradictions we highlighted.
We recently wrote that «we’ll side with rebellion inside the 5SM». What does that mean?
It means that we expect these contradictions to get ever sharper, to
intensify until they explode. The movement’s «Left» must overcome TINA
and TITA, manifest itself in a clear way and reject both the agenda of
the «Right» and Grillo’s blank, confusionist rhetoric. Internal conflict
is not an implausible outcome of this phase. We must look at that
process with great attention, and be there when some of the energies
that Grillo and Casaleggio captured will manage to get free from that
grip. Those energies can be invested into a more consistent,
unambiguous, radical movement. That’s why we tifiamo rivolta , we «cheer for a riot» inside the 5SM.